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Colonisation’s suffocating subjugated
Children drowning in consumerist propaganda
Missionaries brought #TeaSugarFlour
chains, lies, substances and advertising
subtle and unsubtle tools used to take away power
#GentrifiedFerals #Frontier videoclip may offend many
Ego entanglement disclosure– this is our song
Looking through the lens of #frontierculture #exploitation #colonialism #degradingmother
I believe it cuts to the core of power issues causing #deathsincustody with #sledgehammersubtly
Buts that’s also what the vegangelists reckon about their rants
Their shoehorning shits me
Glasshouses & stones?
Moral high ground seeking egotism
Plenty of meat-eating cultures didn’t go down the path of oppressive imperialism
Deal with causes not symptoms to solve problems
No distraction
No #racistdogtagwhistle either please
Dealing with our own shit starts with facing it
#WhitePrivaledge is part of an oppressive trap
Get you mind out of #droidtown
Look around
Take some care
Respect #blacklivesmatter
Use your power for those who need it